Monday, January 30, 2017

Cube map & different strength of reflections for eyes


1. Cube map for CAS things - default replacement.

This is replacement of image is shown as reflections (for CAS things).
Picture 1 - CAS, before.
Picture 2 - CAS, after.
Pictures 3-5 - in game, after.
It replaces: 00B2D882-00000000-FBFA2299B8A3B92E.
Compatible with HQ.
Credits: it is based on standard and these maps.

Download: dropbox | yadisk

2. Different strength of reflections for eyes. 

Find in gloves category.
  1. disabled,
  2. EA,
  3. bright 1,
  4. bright 2.
Picture 6 - without cube map replacement, picture 7 - with cube map replacement.
All genders/ages.
Compatible with HQ. 

Download: dropbox | ya.disk